Please fill out the form below to be a sponsor for the Boston Pizza – Wendat Charity Golf Tournament
All Sponsors will receive:
- Recognition on Wendat Website
- Recognition in the Golf Tournament program
- Golf Photos posted during and after the tournament
- Placement on large sign displayed at Midland BP Sports bar for a full year
Gold and Platinum will also have large individual signage
+ a special feature in the program + mention in one of our Wendat Update Newsletter
which is sent out twice annually.
Your sign approximate dimensions:
Bronze: $160.00 [6”h x 10”w]
Silver: $325.00 [6”h x 21”w]
Gold: $1000.00 [22”h x 30”w Limited number of spots]
Platinum: $2000.00 [26”h x 37”w Limited number of spots]
Please consider donating. Gift donations go towards our Live Auction, Raffles, swag bags and Prize Table.
All donors will be recognized in our player program.
Please contact Verna @ Wendat Programs to arrange pickup or drop off.
705-526-1305 or EMAIL